Welcome and renewal in the midst of God's creation.

Frequently, only silence can express my prayer.

St. Therese

The Shrine's Relics

Our Patroness St. Therese

St. Ann

St. Dymphna

St. Francis

St. Maria Goretti

Explore the Grounds

The goal of every shrine is to bring the faithful closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  You are invited to explore these holy grounds to pray and meditate on the gracious love and goodness of God.

News and Events

Janis Burns Buyarski receives St. Therese Award

Janis Burns Buyarski was presented the first St. Therese Award at The Annual Friends of the Shrine Dinner. The inaugural accolade was given to Janis because she exemplifies the spirit of St. Therese in giving time, talent and treasure to the Shrine’s mission of welcome and mercy.

Janis has been a Shrine volunteer for over 25 years. Her contributions range from designing the 10 major garden areas (14,000+ sq ft), to planting, weeding, deadheading, and watering them throughout the growing season. In the winter she organizes everything so work in the gardens can begin in the earliest days of spring.

Janis also served on the Shrine Board for many years and played an integral part in the development and implementation of the masterplan. The plan included roads, new cabins, renovation of Shrine Chapel and most recently the construction of the support facility.

When asked why do you do it Janis? She replied “it is a calling – a joy! It’s a form of meditation and prayer. It may be hard work but it’s also heart work… and it touches people’s lives”

Janis invites you to support the Shrine too by adopting a garden, joining the Thursdays with Therese volunteer gardening group, donating $ for plants, mulch and tools and most importantly to pray for us!


“The National Shrine of Saint Therese is a sacred place of welcome, inviting all souls to experience God’s boundless mercy amidst the beauty of His creation. We are dedicated to fostering spiritual renewal, deepening faith, and sharing the message of Saint Therese through prayer, reflection, and connection with nature.”

Every Friday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Join the Friends of the Shrine and play an integral role in building and sustaining the legacy of the...

Volunteers, the Backbone of the Shrine!

From the beach stones gathered that make up the walls of the Shrine Chapel to the plants that grace the Marian and Biblical Gardens, all are the work of volunteers giving their time for the greater glory of God. Are you being called to this work?

Annual Fundraiser: Support the Shrine by getting involved in our auction.

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